Colección: Etiqueta

Ultimátum cruel

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1 disponibles

Descripción de la carta

El oponente objetivo sacrifica una criatura, descarta tres cartas y luego pierde 5 vidas. Tú regresas una carta de criatura de tu cementerio a tu mano, robas tres cartas y luego ganas 5 vidas.

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Texto en Oracle

Cruel Ultimatum

Target opponent sacrifices a creature, discards three cards, then loses 5 life. You return a creature card from your graveyard to your hand, draw three cards, then gain 5 life.

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Cruel Ultimatum

Target opponent sacrifices a creature, discards three cards, then loses 5 life. You return a creature card from your graveyard to your hand, draw three cards, then gain 5 life.

Rage on the Omenport Express! Cramped Dragon Takes Matter into Own Claws

Información adicional

Peso 1,814 g
Dimensiones 8,89 × 6,35 × 0,0305 cm



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