SKU N/A Colección:

Con alas doradas

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Descripción de la carta

Las criaturas que controlas que son Zombies y/o fichas obtienen +1/+1 y tienen la habilidad de volar.

Siempre que una o más cartas dejen tu cementerio, crea una ficha de criatura Zombie blanca 1/1.

Tiempo ha, Kefnet protegía las fronteras de Naktamun. Las momias respetadas que las patrullan ahora lo hacen a su imagen y semejanza.

Texto en Oracle

On Wings of Gold

Creatures you control that are Zombies and/or tokens get +1/+1 and have flying.

Whenever one or more cards leave your graveyard, create a 1/1 white Zombie creature token.

The edge of Naktamun was once protected by Kefnet. The honored mummies who patrol it now do so in his image.


On Wings of Gold

Creatures you control that are Zombies and/or tokens get +1/+1 and have flying.

Whenever one or more cards leave your graveyard, create a 1/1 white Zombie creature token.

The edge of Naktamun was once protected by Kefnet. The honored mummies who patrol it now do so in his image.

Información adicional

Peso 1,814 g
Dimensiones 8,89 × 6,35 × 0,0305 cm

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Near Mint



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