Luminous Rebuke
This spell costs 3 less to cast if it targets a tapped creature.
Destroy target creature.
The monstrous bird swooped in for the kill, only to be met by a concentrated blast of pure, searing moonlight.
Te cuesta menos lanzar este hechizo si hace objetivo a una criatura girada.
Destruye la criatura objetivo.
La monstruosa ave se lanzó en picado hacia su presa, que le lanzó un rayo concentrado de luz lunar pura y ardiente.
Luminous Rebuke
This spell costs 3 less to cast if it targets a tapped creature.
Destroy target creature.
The monstrous bird swooped in for the kill, only to be met by a concentrated blast of pure, searing moonlight.
Luminous Rebuke
This spell costs 3 less to cast if it targets a tapped creature.
Destroy target creature.
The monstrous bird swooped in for the kill, only to be met by a concentrated blast of pure, searing moonlight.